Anime VanguardsIgros (Elite Knight) is a Secret unit inspired by Igris from the anime Solo Leveling. This powerful unit can only be obtained by evolving Igros.
Evolution Requirements
To evolve Igros into Igros (Elite Knight), the following materials are required:
- 32 Green Essence
- 10 Blue Essence
- 10 Pink Essence
- 1 Rainbow Essence
- 12 Blood-Red Armor
Ability & Passive
- Ruler’s Hand: Increases Damage by 40% when dealing damage to a boss.
- Strongest Shadow: Increases Damage by 30% and reduces SPA by 10%. The unit is also immune to Stun.
- Shadow Commander: Increases both Damage and RNG by 20% for 70 seconds when a shadow enters this unit’s range.
Unit Stats
- Deployment Cost: 2,000
- Total Cost: TBA
- Upgrades: TBA
- Placement Limit: 3
- Tower Type: Ground (GRND)
This makes Igros (Elite Knight) an incredibly powerful unit, especially against bosses and in synergy with shadows.