Anime Vanguards Update Patch Notes & Logs 2024

Anime Vanguards Update Patch Notes & Logs 2024 page summarizing the most important changes, additions, bug fixes, and balance adjustments. It aims to help players better understand the new content, improve gameplay, and take advantage of the latest features.


Alocard’s Sound Effects: Alocard now has sound effects, enhancing the immersive gameplay experience.

Reworked Code System: Future codes can be added or removed without needing a full game shutdown, improving game updates and code management.

God Statue Change: In Story Mode (Act 6), Infinite, and Paragon of Double Dungeon, the sitting God Statue now disappears, altering the visual dynamic for these stages.

Mobile Improvements:

  • You can now use emotes and mounts on mobile devices.
  • Added a way to redeem Gamepass Coupons via a new system.

Crafting Window Input: Players can now type the exact amount of items they wish to craft, streamlining the crafting process.

Confetti Effects: New visual flair with confetti when evolving units, summoning Mythics, or performing ascensions.

Bug Fixes

Noruto’s Passives Buffed: Noruto now has stronger passive abilities, making him more powerful.

Gon’s Passive Nerfed: Gon’s passive has been reduced in effectiveness, balancing his impact in the game.

Hover Issues Fixed:

  • Sprintwagon’s income display bug was fixed; now shows income with fortune applied.
  • Hover frame bug after a stage’s endscreen no longer persists.
  • Gamepass Gifting Bug: Now checks if a player already owns the Gamepass before attempting a gift.
  • Lobby Performance: Significant work done to alleviate performance issues in the lobby.
  • Camera Shake: The “Disable Camera Shake” setting is now functioning correctly.
  • Paragon Bugs: Fixed issues such as rewards not scaling, incorrect level selection, and misc. bugs in the Paragon interface.
  • Battlepass: Now only displays the first 30 levels and correctly tracks XP past level 25.

Evolution Fixes:

  • Haruka Rin can now be evolved without issues.
  • Evolution requirements are now properly centered and displayed.

Unit Animation & Movement: Fixed units randomly freezing or getting stuck on the screen.


Stage Info: The right-side in-game display now shows the type of stage (Story, Legend, Challenge, etc.), providing more clarity while playing.

Evolve & Crafting Keybinds: Both are now interactable using the E key for faster access.

Auto-Sell Adjustment: Summoned units with traits are no longer affected by the auto-sell feature.

Hover Selection & Hitboxes: Sprintwagon’s company is now easier to select, and highlighted units can be seen through obstacles.

Regenerating Enemies: Now shows how much health they regain, giving players better awareness during combat.


Unit Speed & Adjustments:

  • Noruto (Sage) and Sosuke (Hebi/Storm) now have faster first attacks.
  • The SPA (Seconds Per Attack) for several units has been adjusted, improving battle dynamics.
  • Bleed vs. Regeneration: Inflicting bleed will now stop regenerating enemies from healing while they’re bleeding.
  • Dismantled Puppet Health Reduction: The dismantled puppet now spawns with only 2% of the original Shinobi puppet’s health (down from 5%).

Tips to Take Advantage of Patch Features

Use Mobile Mounts & Emotes: If you’re a mobile player, make sure to try out the new emotes and mounts feature to enhance your gameplay experience.

Gamepass Coupons: If you’re gifting Gamepasses, remember that you can now easily share the gamepass code with other players. Be sure to claim your rewards before they expire!

Crafting Efficiency: Make crafting easier by using the new amount input field. Plan ahead by typing how many items you want to craft, and the required amount will automatically update.

Unit Selection: With hitboxes being easier to select and units visible through walls, managing your units in battle should now be much smoother.

Confetti Celebrations: Enjoy the celebratory confetti whenever you evolve or ascend your favorite units!

Performance Enhancements

If you’ve been struggling with performance issues in the lobby, this patch aims to address that. However, if you still encounter issues, try reducing graphic settings or checking the game’s latest update notes for ongoing fixes.


This Day One Patch brings numerous additions, bug fixes, and balance changes to Anime Vanguards. Whether you’re focusing on unit evolutions, crafting, or simply managing your team more efficiently, the update offers several quality-of-life improvements. Be sure to explore the new Gamepass Coupon system and test out the mobile enhancements.

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