Anime Vanguards Effects are Damage, Buff or Debuff effects that are performed by certain Units
Income: Generate money after each wave. Navi (Thief) can earn additional cash by killing enemies marked with a money icon.
Healer: Restore the base’s health after each wave, either by repairing damage or adding extra HP.
Buff: Enhance certain attributes of units such as range, damage, SPA (Special Attack), or provide discounts on upgrades. Orwin can only buff physical units, while Wenda can only buff magic units. Broke (Soul King) can boost the damage of both physical and magic units. Oshy (Idol) is the only unit capable of reducing upgrade costs for other units.
Debuff: Weaken enemies to make them take increased damage. Sukuno is unique in that he can permanently make enemies take 20% more physical damage. Although Blackhair can make enemies take 15% more magic damage and Megomu (Chimera Shadow) can increase magic damage taken by enemies by 30%, these effects are temporary. Merlyn (Infinity) can permanently increase the magic damage enemies take by 30%.CategoriesBlog